I cannot formulate into words how utterly excited I've been about this film. The combination of Lehane, Scorcese and DiCaprio was too much to pass up on. First and foremost, the narratives of Lehane are mesmerising, these crazy twists and turns are what make cinema enthralling. I can state right now that Mystic River, Gone Baby Gone, and now Shutter Island, have all entertained in an intelligent thought provoking way and have also given me some terrifying nightmares.
The story focuses on a high security mental asylum in the 1950s. One Word. Grim. Insanity and the brain were sujects which were (and still are) issues that confused and intrigued. Dicaprio plays a tormented federal marshall who experiences dark visions and has some worrying questions about the asylum where he is sent to investigate a missing inmate...I mean patient. The setting and the subject matter are huge players in Scorcese's work and the viewer cannot escape the feeling that madness is everywhere and everyone. As Dicaprio's Teddy ponders-is insanity contagious?
Theslow unravelling of the story is a delight to take in and slowly absorb facets and images of the film. The tempo, although slow at times, suits the temperament and gothic imagery of Scorcese's vision.
Overall, this was an enjoyable psychological thriller with convincing turns from Leo Dicaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley and Max von Sydow. There is a chilling atmosphere that takes the audience on an emotional journey following the tribulations of Dicaprio's character. Importantly, the themes of the film have remained relevant and asks potent questions about the notion of madness and how it is near impossible to shake being labelled insane. I cannot praise enough the twists and turns especially near the end of the film. I just hope I never have to try and escape a mental asylum.
Film 9/10
Soundtrack 7/10 The music fits beautifully with the action especially when Teddy visits the psychiatrist's retreat and the music takes him back to standing in Auschwitz. Utterly breathtaking.
Setting/Costume 8/10
Entertainment value 9/10